EP 353: Soberflex: The Ethos is in the Letters


Host: Kevin Beaufrand

The ethos of Soberflex is represented in each of its letters. By fully immersing yourself into the system, you can expect to find a life that perfectly aligns with what is described in this acronym.


Soberflexing is a journey that goes beyond traditional pathways of recovery. It's about amplifying the triumphs of sobriety through a dual lens: optimal health and pride. This holistic approach invites individuals to embrace their journey with strength, health, and loud, unapologetic pride.

The essence of Soberflexing is deeply rooted in the KNOWMERGE system, a comprehensive framework designed to guide individuals through the multifaceted aspects of health that are critical to sustaining a vibrant, sober life. This system encompasses physical well-being, mental resilience, and emotional stability, encouraging a deep dive into the pillars of health that support recovery on all fronts.

By adopting Soberflexing, we not only focus on maintaining sobriety but also on thriving in every aspect of our lives. It's about becoming obsessively committed to our health, transforming our lives from the ground up, and harnessing the power of our past struggles to fuel our journey forward.

Soberflexing is a bold stance we take to celebrate our sobriety and to share our stories loudly and proudly. This approach challenges the traditional narratives of recovery, breaking the silence and stigma associated with addiction. It's a testament to the strength and resilience that lies within each of us, a reminder that we are not defined by our past but by the incredible journey we embark on towards healing and self-discovery.

Join us on this empowering journey of Soberflexing, where your struggles become your superpowers, and your commitment to health becomes your loudest declaration of freedom. Through the KNOWMERGE system, we'll navigate the path to optimal health and well-being together, embracing our sobriety with every step we take. 

So what do you say, do you want to flex your sobriety?


Kevin Beaufrand's journey from the depths of addiction and chaos to the path of optimal health and sobriety illuminates the transformative power of the Soberflex system. Born from a turbulent past marked by loss, substance abuse, and a relentless quest for sobriety, Kevin's story is a testament to resilience and the capacity for radical change. 

Soberflex offers an all-encompassing approach to recovery utilizing the KNOWMERGE system. KNOWMERGE is an acronym that emphasizes the importance of:



Obsession (positive health obsession)

Wisdom (applied knowledge)

Mindset - Movement - Mission

Environment (sun light, social circle, gut microbiome...)

Rest - Relationships - Regulating stress

Grounding - Growth

Emerge our authentic selves. 


This comprehensive system is designed not just for overcoming addiction but for embracing a life of wellness, purpose, and excellence. By merging these health pillars, Soberflex encourages individuals to emerge as their best selves, proving that with the right mindset, support, and tools, transformation is not only possible but inevitable. 


Kevin's mission through Soberflex is to guide others on their journey to health and sobriety, leveraging his own experiences and the experiences of others in the community to empower recovery and celebrate life beyond addiction, a life of amplified recovery.


Join the free Soberflex community! https://www.skool.com/soberflexfree/about

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Kevinbeaufrand

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kevinbeaufrand/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Soberflexofficial


Other Sober Resources:

I Am Sober App

Getting Sober ...Again

Boom Rethink The Drink

Recovery Movie Meet-Ups

No Sippy No Slippy. Not Another Drop No matter What.  
Remember to Pour The Poison Down The Sink!!



EP 354: Shana Epps Recovery Story


EP 352: Horseman’s Recovery Story